Lower Connection Miljoco Models PB3008L & PB3008 dual indicating pressure/temperature gauges, or commonly referred to as“tridicators”, combine the value of an individual pressure gauge and thermometer in one instrument. They are the ideal choice for boilers and other hot water applications where space limitations and installation costs are a consideration. These instruments contain both a bourdon tube assembly to indicate pressure, and a bi metal coil assembly to indicate temperature in both Fahrenheit andCelsius.WARNING: Not suitable for steam service.CASE:Drawn steel, black finished.RING: Crimped drawn steel, black finished.LENS:Glass.DIAL: Aluminum, white finished with red temperat ur eand blue pressure markings.POINTERS: Aluminum, black non-adjustable.MOVEMENT: Brass.BOURDON TUBE: Phosphor bronze.CONNECTION: See table below.STEM: Brass, Ø 0.320”.ACCURACY: Pressure scale: ±3-2-3%,Temperature scale: ±One scale division.AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -40 to 250°F (-40 to 120°C). General
SpecificationsThe Miljoco Models PB3008L & PB3008 dual indicatingpressure/temperature gauges, or commonly referred to as“tridicators”, combine the value of an individual pressuregauge and thermometer in one instrument. They are theideal choice for boilers and other hot water applicationswhere space limitations and installation costs are aconsideration. These instruments contain both a bourdontube assembly to indicate pressure, and a bimetal coilassembly to indicate temperature in both Fahrenheit andCelsius.WARNING: Not suitable for steam service.CASE:Drawn steel, black finished.RING: Crimped drawn steel, black finished.LENS:Glass.DIAL: Aluminum, white finished with red temperat ur eand blue pressure markings.POINTERS: Aluminum, black non-adjustable.MOVEMENT: Brass.BOURDON TUBE: Phosphor bronze.CONNECTION: See table below.STEM: Brass, Ø 0.320”.ACCURACY: Pressure scale: ±3-2-3%,Temperature scale: ±One scale division.AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -40 to 250°F (-40 to 120°C) |